Time to go!

It's a horrible thing to say, isn't it?
Canada is a great nation where everyone gets along with really good principles and fairness and equity for all.
And for the most part that's true.
Except when it comes to British Columbia.
Did you notice how quickly Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cancelled the Energy East Pipeline that would have carried bitumen from Alberta to Quebec? And in fact, he eliminated the National Energy Board and created a brand new system to evaluate new energy proposals which includes looking at the downstream impact of the burning of fossil fuels on the environment.
However, B.C. was not allowed to be a part of the new system.
Kindermorgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline that would quadruple the amount of bitumen from Edmonton to Burnaby and around Victoria would be a part of the old system of the NEB that Trudeau said was unfair and not working.
In fact the NEB did not even look at the impacts to B.C.'s pristine coast of a tanker spill. It is, after all, not the pipeline that's the big problem it's the super tanker that loses power in the middle of the night in a B.C. hurricane and breaks its back on Saturna Island or Victoria or White Rock. History tells us it's the unexpected that happens. There are no tug boats walking these super tankers in from 12 miles off B.C.'s coast to Vancouver Harbour. They are on their own. And if one loses power off of Vancouver Island it will drift into Long Beach, Tofino. And as we've seen time and time again there is no Canadian Coast Guard response. From whale watching tour boating disasters where residents have to assist and not the Coast Guard to Bella Bella where hundreds of thousands of litres of diesel contaminated an entire coast line for six weeks before anyone even showed up to assist. And in 2014 a Russian freighter carrying hundreds of thousands of bunker fuel lost engine power and started drifting into Haida Gwaii. Fortunately the crew managed to fix the engines because the Canadian Coast Guard was ineffective - breaking its tow line on the freighter and arriving late.
The nine-fold increase in super tanker traffic to B.C. definitely means there will be a catastrophic accident.
And it will destroy the last remaining resident Orca pod that lives in the Salish Sea and that brings so much pride and tourism money to British Columbia.
As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to say, "This pipeline will get built."
And as Consverative Leader Andrew Scheer has proclaimed he will build the Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Northern Gateway Pipeline through B.C. He's likely to be the next Prime Minister of Canada.
They hate us. They really hate us.
B.C. Premier NDP John Horgan is putting up a brave fight. And he has a strong Constitutional argument to stop the pipeline.
However, it's going to be a continual battering ram against B.C.
The rest of the country hates B.C. - not just a little - a lot. You can see it in their eyes. You can hear it in their voices. And you can read it in their words. They WANT to cause B.C. pain. Jealousy. It's a bad thing.
The reality is when Conservative Leader Scheer becomes Prime Minister he's going to batter B.C. along with new Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.
They will not respect the rule of law. They will not adhere to the Supreme Court of Canada decisions that will likely side with B.C.'s First Nations. They will pick a war with Quebec. They will fight a war with B.C.
And so the reality is if B.C. doesn't separate first, Quebec will beat us to it anyways. We're a doomed nation.
Balkanization. It's something we're seeing all over the world.
Countries are disintegrating. The European Union is shattering. Russia shattered. The United States is shattering before our eyes. The United Kingdom is fracturing (with Scotland barely voting to stay in, and may want to leave after Brexit).
These large countries such as Canada were unmanageable. There are too many competing interests.
B.C. has always been on the leading edge of the environment protection movement.
In fact B.C. is the home of the Green Party in Canada.
We don't just give lip service to the environment - we live it.
We have a Carbon Pricing in effect in B.C. and have had so for 10 years.
Kenney and Scheer will tear up the "national carbon plan" that Trudeau promised Canadians in exchange for the pipeline.
And in fact the Federal Liberals have yet to turn banning the Northern Gateway into law.
And provinces are challenging the National Carbon Tax plan in court. They will have it overturned.
And so the rest of Canada will have pipelines without global warming reduction.
Time to go!
The best way for B.C. to help Alberta and Canada come to its senses regarding global warming is to leave.
Once we leave we will control, without question, what comes in and out of our ports.
Free Agency!
In 1871 B.C. joined Confederation as a deal to pay off our national debt.
Part of the deal of joining Confederation was the promise of a railway.
Since the Federal Government closed the E&N Railway on Vancouver Island - a part of that deal - the agreement to enter Canada is now null and void.
We merely need to declare our Independence as a nation of British Columbia and we are free to go. They violated the terms of the agreement. It is now null and void.
As Free Agents on the global market we as a country can choose to go it alone
We can invite interested parties such as the United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Canada and others to pitch us on joining their nation. And we can choose the best option for B.C.
We can stand united and stay independent. We make a lot of money without Ottawa's hands in our wallets.
Part of the reason we can do that is because of our beautiful environment.
But we're also resource rich.
We have hundreds of years of clean burning natural gas that, done safely, can be used.
We have clean electricity. And forestry and mining and fishing. We are Hollywood North and our tech sector is the biggest in Canada. And of course, tourism. It is our pride and joy.
And by leaving Canada we can make sure that our interests are safeguarded.
We will still export for the rest of Canada - but we'll decide if it's in our best interests or not. Not people in Ottawa who couldn't care less about us and in fact hate us - more than just a little bit.
Have you noticed anyone in the "national media" standing up for B.C.? Of course not. That's because the "national media" is centred in Calgary and Toronto. They don't care about the truth. They don't care about B.C. They do what they're told.
And the reality is - Separating - saves a bloodbath.
In 1995 the RCMP and Canadian Military fired 77,000 rounds at Shuswap First Nations who were practicing a religious ceremony on "private land" that they had claims to.
To save lives - B.C. has to leave. Fools are rushing in from Alberta and Manitoba and Ontario and beating the war drums.
There will be blood.
It's time to go before anyone is killed.
Leaving is the best way for B.C. First Nations to finally get treaties. Something that should have happened a century ago. The rest of Canada does not understand the kinship between British Columbians and First Nations. They do not respect it.
What is the financial impact of leaving Canada?
Canada pays into Canada every year. And the reality is as the world turns off oil Alberta and Canada will be desperately poor. They will be trying to raid B.C.'s coffers again and again to stay afloat.
We can not be the financial piggy bank for all of Canada.
It's time to go before they bankrupt us.
Our manufacturing sector will build us a navy and an army. And we will finally get Air Force protection back to B.C. (there hasn't been any since the Comox Air Force base lost its jets). These are critical infrastructure required in the event of an earthquake - not just national protection.
Financially we will be so much better off without Canada. We will control our airports and our ports and all of the financial beneft that entails. In fact B.C. gives more to Canada because of the numbers and sizes of these ports without benefit.
We've seen the federal government abandon social housing. We've all see the poor and mentally ill living in sleeping bags.
They've abandoned our war on opioids. Last year almost 2,000 people died in overdoses. And the same the year before. But the response has been anything but a national emergency from Ottawa. It's in B.C. - who cares?
The reality is the federal government is not accountable to B.C. We don't have an equal, elected and effective Senate to represent B.C. in the House of Commons. We don't have nearly enough representation in the House of Commons. And in the 150 years of Canada - the Prime Minister of Canada has come from B.C. for a mere 9 months.
B.C. has had someone looking after its interests, or at least knowing its interests, for 9 months - in 150 years.
B.C. has been Canada's cash cow.
And nothing more.
Time to go. There is no downside to this. We're eliminating a layer of bureaucracy and giving you access to the power.
That's democracy.
You will be in control.
You will have the say.
That's how democracy is supposed to work.
B.C. should be the richest nation on Earth. We certainly could have been were it not for Ottawa taking our money.
Look at the files they have left empty - the traffic congestion in B.C. The homeless. The health crisis. The lack of defense for B.C. The lack of an effective coast guard. It goes on, and on, and on.
Time to go!
It's just not going to get better as the world moves from fossil fuels to renewables. Alberta and Ottawa are not able to change with us.
They don't respect our First Nation's rights. They don't respect the rule of law. They bend and cower to corporate greed as we've seen in the Kinder Morgan pipeline dispute.
What kind of government spends federal tax dollars to prop up a private oil business? Who does that? I mean, really, who does that?
No, it's Time to Go!
Ontario is in financial crisis.
B.C. can't be anywhere near that mess when it implodes.
Where was our Softwood Lumber Agreement with the United States? For years the file sat empty.
And now our Forestry Sector has paid the price.
Ottawa - they don't have our interests at heart.
It's Time to Go!
Time to chart our own future and one that is manageable and planned and secured.